Jeanette Manning Estoye
News of the sudden death of Jeanette Manning Estoye, 37, of Maplewood, has shocked many locals, but shock and pain have been turned into action.
A meal train has been set up to help Jeanette’s husband David and her three boys, Logan (age 5), Derek (age 3) and Trevor (age 5 months). The next two weeks are covered, but dates start opening up around September 5, with many slots still open.
Find the meal train link here: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/rv1qed.
Friends have also created an Amazon wish list to help the family. Items include everything from infant formula to diapers to children’s shampoo. See the list here.
A GoFundMe page has also been created at www.gofundme.com/2k2z3dw for Logan, Derek and Trevor.
Read Jeanette’s full obituary here.