The legacy of Bob Miller continues in lovely and unexpected ways. Case in point: This tribute to community, family, Bob — and Maplewood — from his sister Jenny Anderson:
“But after many nights in emergency rooms and too-long stays in hospitals, of watching my nieces slowly lose their father, I got a glimpse of what community looks like. It was the people who turned up before they were asked, to do things they didn’t have time to do. Neighbors who collected kids from school and came to hospitals to sit. Friends who stayed. Groups of people who materialized to make lunch for four kids for months because their parents couldn’t.
“This was community.”
In Anderson’s essay on Quartz (qz.com), “The only metric of success that really matters is the one we ignore,” she reveals painful details about Miller’s illness and how her brother’s life and death transformed how she evaluates success and lives her life. It’s difficult — and it would minimize Anderson’s message — to try to encapsulate the piece in a brief summary. Please read it in full.
Robert Jackson Miller III was the co-founder of Miller & Wright Architects, a New York City-based architecture firm. But more importantly, he was husband to Grace Mulvihill Miller and father to four beloved daughters — to whom he was utterly devoted. He died in March 2014 of complications related to melanoma. His life is celebrated annually in Maplewood through the Robert J. Miller Oysterfest for Melanoma Awareness.
Read Anderson’s essay, ” on Quartz here. It could change — and save — your life.
The post Bob Miller’s Legacy Continues in Essay by His Sister Extolling Community appeared first on The Village Green.