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OBITUARY: Athalante Debrosse, 44, Amazing Mom, Lived a Life of Love


Maplewood Mayor Frank McGehee has shared the name of the first, and thus far only, Maplewood resident to succumb to complications related to COVID-19. Athalante Debrosse died on March 29. Her family now wishes to share this information — and more about Athalante’s life — with the community, as reported by McGehee below.

Remembering our departed community member. Please see below the public release of the obituary that was approved by the family.

In Loving Memory of Athalante Debrosse
Sunrise May 26, 1975
Sunset March 29, 2020

Athalante Debrosse came into the world with a bang, umbilical cord wrapped around her neck; we couldn’t wait for our new baby sister to come home. She lived a life of LOVE; She loved “FAMILY TIME!” She loved celebrating! She Loved the Lord and Loved to worship! She had a beautiful voice and loved to sing to the glory of God! She meant so much to so many. She was an AMAZING Mom! Our greatest cheerleader, a serious disciplinarian, the best party/vacation planner, a loyal, ever present best friend! Her dimples and her smile lit up every room. Athalante has worked for Horizon BlueCrossBlueShield for the past 18 years, managing Operations teams around the world. As such, she has literally spread her love world-wide.

She leaves behind, her one and only, Frenchesca Gerard aka “Munch!” In addition to her daughter, she leaves her partner, James Felton; her best friend, Letitia Walker; her siblings: Ennelle Debrosse, Phaimy Bassette and Jean Debrosse; her brother-in-law, John Richard Bassette; her nieces and nephew, Nastacia, Elijah aka “Nephew-Son,” Ja’nelle, Devyn and JaMya, and a host of extended family and friends, who have become family.

Athalante, you made every gathering so special. Our hearts are in a million pieces. We love you, But God wanted you back… You will forever be missed. Your smile, your love and your tenacity for life will forever be imprinted in our souls.

The Lord picks His brightest stars! Our baby sister…
We will always love and honor you.

The family is committed and dedicated to Athalante’s beloved, Frenchesca Ariana Gerard. In lieu of any other memorials, tributes, flowers or gifts, an educational fund has been established specifically for Munch. Please make any donations to Fidelity Investments at https://go.fidelity.com/u846p.

A special celebration in honor of our angel will be planned for later, when travel and social restrictions have been lifted.

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